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Filter Box

$ 37.00 
$ 37.00 
$ 0.00 

For lovers of filter or those that are curious to try it! This box includes 2 x 250g of our coffees roasted especially for filter style brews - including pour over & Aeropress. Single origin beans from Colombia Cundinimarca and Ethiopia, Sidama, Shantawene. These beans are both so versatile, that if you like espresso based coffees they are awesome for this too! Hot tip: You'll need a slightly finer than usual espresso grind for the Colombian to get the best out of it when made this way ;)

Filter coffee lovers - this is for you!

Revolving Door Roasters coffee is roasted and packaged in Port Macquarie, NSW from imported raw coffee beans.




Whole Bean


Colombia Cundinamarca and Ethiopian Shatawene


Washed and Natural


Colombian Washed - slight bright green apple acidity with bittersweet chocolate and caramel Berry Delicious - berries, guava and milk chocolate

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Great coffee plus cool and practical merch!!
Keep the flavours revolving!
The box that has it all!!

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a cup of coffee and some loose coffee beans